minecraft snapshot 25w07a
A Minecraft Java Snopshat
We are now releasing 25w07a, containing bug fixes and a new food item!
We see you skylinerw...
known issues
- Escape characters are still not yet functioning, sorry...
experimental featrures
- A new food item comming to minecraft because it has been a while since we added something sweet
- Eating it will heal 2 hearts and give you 3 saturation
- Eating enough of them will give you diabetes which is not currently working (like diabetes tends to do).
- Sheep like them so much they will die upon eating them.
- Oh and you can try making cake with it, we have managed to do it at least once...
- All command blocks are now blue and will walk away every wednesday to join the big snapshot wait
technical changes
- The Data Pack version is now 78
Data Pack Version 78
- We felt like changing it because we can :D
- MC-987654 - Bees refuse to pollinate if they witness a crafting table being used.
- MC-112233 - Villagers refuse to sleep if a cat is sitting within 10 blocks.
- MC-445566 - Snow golems melt instantly when placed in a snowy biome.
- MC-990011 - Eating cake in the Nether causes the player to teleport randomly.
- MC-123456 - Pigs climb ladders when no one is looking.
- MC-654321 - Iron Golems forget how to attack when they see a pumpkin.
- MC-135790 - Boats move in reverse when placed in warm ocean biomes.
- MC-246802 - Elytra flight sometimes turns into a slow-motion moonwalk.
- MC-369147 - Wolves refuse to follow players who haven't fed them in three days.
- MC-789654 - If a player has over 1000 emeralds, all Wandering Traders swarm them.
- MC-951357 - Bamboo grows twice as fast when a panda is watching.
- MC-852741 - TNT refuses to explode if it has been named 'not TNT'.
- MC-654987 - Ender Pearls thrown during a full moon sometimes return to the sender.
- MC-753951 - Spiders play dead when attacked with a wooden sword.
Snapshots are available for Minceraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minceraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.